On April 30, 2020, we were delivering a grocery bag to each parent at different meeting points.
- What is your best experience when you give each parent a food bag?
Dallan Santos: “I think it was the need not so much for food but also for the needy who were in a prayer of a word of encouragement; To see their happy faces when they see that God always has them in mind and uses us as an instrument to bless them is something wonderful. ”
Samanta Estrada: “My best experience is: being able to fill a person’s heart with happiness, with love of joy, by reminding them that God is their provider who never leaves them alone, I am satisfied to know that not only were the little bellies filled but the spiritual heart and the life of blessings; This bag of groceries for people in need fills my heart with peace and joy because I know that God chose me to be able to bless his children. ”
Ivis Vásquez: “Giving them a hug, a word of encouragement and their bag was a very pleasant moment, each person expressed himself in a different way and on his face you could see the gratitude of each one of them; thanks to the people who made it possible for them to receive his blessing. ”
Silvia Raymundo: “He fell me very happy to give the grocery bag to each person in need, because each person had a heart of thanks to God for receiving their food bag.”
Giuseppe Teruel: “There were several, but there is one that caught my attention, when you look at people you realize that everything is normal, but when they see you giving some food, the truth is comes to light and that’s when you see the need for what is happening; in a house a mother mother of school students has 7 children, none of them work because there is no job and they were fired, I receive what they did not expect, that’s why God always surprises you and shows you that He is interested in your Need and I will help you, no I will leave you. ”
Urbano García: “The best experience that you can leave us is the satisfaction of serving and seeing them very happy and that they are fortunate and blessed people.”
Marvin Jerez: “My best experience is still of the situation that is happening God still touches the hearts of many good people who got that bag to be able to bless those families that even in their situation God has not forgotten them and listen to them tell their situation who are living motivates me and gives me joy to continue helping more than what God has put in the heart of rescue operation. ”
Edgar Tepeu: “Seeing the happiness of each of the parents knowing that they would be given a bag of groceries, because many of them needed it that fills me with joy and at the same time gives me peace of mind because I know that they have a plate of food to their homes.”
- What message would you give people to motivate them to help people in need?
Dallan Santos: “That it is a blessing to see people’s faces of gratitude is great, it brings great peace knowing that at least something that is controlled that day; as human beings we must support others in difficult times Help your neighbor! ”
Samanta Estrada: “Message: He who kneels before God will know how to stand in any difficult situation, my message to people is that we do not forget that we come to this earth, we come to serve, that serving God is not an obligation is a privilege, we must remember that everything, everything that goes up to God in prayer, comes down to earth in blessing; life may be hard but if you give up today the effort you made yesterday will be of no use tomorrow, maybe yesterday you were on the battlefield fighting with your forces but today, there is someone who will fight for you and you will be victorious, why not There is a better battle than that of God fighting for you. ”
Ivis Vásquez: “Everything you sow, that you reap, and I am sure that each person who collaborates and who will continue to collaborate with food bags, God will save, reward and strengthen them, multiply their companies, businesses, health, life; because God knows that from your heart you help others. ”
Silvia Raymundo: “It is a blessing to help people in need and it is very nice to be able to bless each person and if you help someone, God will double it.”
Giuseppe Teruel: “What you learned with God is giving, there is no point in an experience as beautiful as that feeling that you are doing something good that God told you to do and is helping those in need; “I urge you to dare to give those in need an interest in their need for God to bless you.”
Urbano García: “Do not be afraid or sorry, and when you have the opportunity to help your neighbor, do it while God blesses the cheerful giver.”
Marvin Jerez: “What if God touches your heart to be able to do it, you have to keep doing it because giving hands never remain empty”
Edgar Tepeu: “What blessing a person who needs it fills you with joy, because God is seeing that you do it from the heart and without expecting anything in return, when God touches your heart by blessing someone you are sowing treasures in heaven which God will reward you greatly. ”
“The LORD is just in all his ways and kind in all his works.”
PSALMS 145: 17 (NIV)
Delivery Of Food Bags | April 30, 2020