Expo Leche Visit

On September 1 students from Pre-Kinder  through 6th Primary  visit to Expoleche held in the Industry Park.

During the activity they learned topics such as the use of milk, and that benefits are used. This by dynamic contests for children and for teachers.

At the end each child receives a gift bag with Cream, Cheese, Chocolate milk and other dairy products courtesy of the exhibition.

The aim of the activity is to teach children the use and importance of milk in our nutrition through a fun dynamic morning.

Expo Leche thanks for your support.

Expo Leche Visit

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Breakfast “The unity of God With Us”


On August 19 breakfast was shared were the preacher Enrique Escobar gave the topic “The unity of God with us”.  During the activity he shared with the school team his testimony and a motivational message about how God wants to us to do on the mission that was put in the foundation.

We must come to the perfect service we give all our children.

It is a pleasure to share with you photos of the activity.

Breakfast “The Unity Of God With Us”

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