Our CEO Giuseppe Teruel’s birthday


On February 26 the area of Pre-Primary and Primary college Apoyate en Mi, surprised our CEO Giuseppe Teruel with a fantastic and delicious breakfast and a small activity on the occasion to celebrate you one more year of life.
Here are some pictures of the activity


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Thanks Giuseppe for sharing with us all this time, ask God to have you with us many years …


Editorial Santillana Training


As part of the donation made by Hopechest few weeks ago. On February 25 the Eng. Jose Ollervides of Editorial Santillana gave a training about the use of textbooks that has just received this in order that our staff can make the best use the material received.

Then some pictures of the training.
Thank you!


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Talk “How to Be Best Servers”


On February 25, our Pastor Jose Valiente and his wife shared with the school team a talk called “How to Be Best Servers” with topics like a better care to our students and a better relationship team among others.


We could  shared a moment full of blessing and the presence of God could be manifested in all staff.
We want to be better and so we are always looking for perfection.


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Hopechest’s books donation


On February 11 Hopechest Organization made a donation of textbooks of Editorial Santillana to the  college Apoyate en Mi, these books contribute to enrich and reinforce student learning of our establishment.

Thanks for your help …



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Basic and High School activity for Valentine’s Day


This month as well as our students Pre-Primary and Primary able to share a delicious pizza for the Valentine’s day, students of Basic and High school shared a delicious spare in the afternoon, and likewise in a very pleasant way shared several piñatas, closing the day with an activity very blessed by God.

Here are some pictures of it.


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Supporting the Vision of our brothers (Proyecto Jose Donations)


As part of our mission we are continually supporting the view of other institutions in which God has also planted the desire to help the needy.
Monthly we help institutions like Asociación Médica Roca de Ayuda, ONG El Jordán, Comedor Pan de Vida and Asociación “Lucha por la Vida” among others.
This through our Proyecto José is responsible for receiving and redistributing resources where they are most needed.


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